Frequently asked questions

We work hard to keep this post-up-to-date for our visitors. We beg you every day to follow us on Facebook. But unfortunately, some of the links in this post will always go dead. Because of the things listed above, most links are only good for a specific time. That means we want you to save the page even if you don't have a bank account. So, you can always get free coins from our links, which are always up to date.

We're sorry that the last update to the links caused you trouble. Unfortunately, we can't do anything about time, and any link update depends on where the chance came from. The delay in one of our regular gifts was not our fault, and we weren't to blame. We have several ways to ensure website links are updated quickly and regularly. To get the gift, you must keep coming back to our site.

We aren't able to take care of your request right now. We'll send you our reward link as soon as we can. Unfortunately, no one has met the requirements for more enrichment. Therefore, we can't come up with new words for you. We get that reward from different places and give it to you. It all depends on where the game comes from and the developers' plans for prizes. We don't want to break any rules to get to the extra reward feature.

Because the links have a short shelf life, they are usually only meant to be used a few times.

When the limit is reached, the link will no longer work and be taken down. So, the link won't be used anymore after a specific time. Even if our site says that the link hasn't been clicked on, that doesn't mean it hasn't been clicked on from other places. So, it's wise to find all the newest links with as few clicks as possible. This makes it more likely that you'll get the reward, not an old link.

Pick any video game and play it on as many platforms as possible. Switching game platforms is the only way to get the gift request. So, the offer is accessible more than once and on more than one game platform. So, other players won't be able to use the link to get gifts.

You can always keep up with us on several social media sites. So don't forget to talk to us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.

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